
今回のプレゼンテーションでは、当プロジェクトの中核をなす情報基盤システム「khirin (Knowledgebase of HIstorical Resources in INstitutes)」の説明を中心に、広くデータ連携の可能性について説明します。

khirinとは、歴博が作る歴史資料のデータインフラです。資料の所在情報と目録情報をRDFで作るkhirin c、IIIF(International Image Interoperability Framework)による画像提供システムであるkhirin a、TEI(Text Encoding Initiative)によるテキスト表示システムのkhirin tおよび、実験的なシステムを提示するkhirin labsという4つのシステムが現在完成しており、これらに加え、データセットをダウンロードできるkhirin rが作成される予定です。これらのシステムによって、日本の地域歴史資料を多様な角度から見ることができます。日本各地の古文書や民具の情報について、研究に用いるとともに、世界中のさまざまな人々にデータを見てもらうことを目的としています。

khrin c https://khirin-c.rekihaku.ac.jp/
khirin a https://khirin-a.rekihaku.ac.jp/
khrin t https://khirin-t.rekihaku.ac.jp/engishiki/
khirin labs https://khirin-labs.rekihaku.ac.jp/

The Center for Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources, the National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku), has advanced a new project, "Construction of Japanese Historical Knowledge and Open Science Research," since FY2022. "Japanese Historical Knowledge" refers to the totality of research processes and results based on the mutual collaboration of "Research based on Digital Humanities (DH)" and "Collaborative Research on Regional History.” In the "Research based on DH,” we construct a variety of data on various historical materials, including local historical materials, and conduct research on advanced data in line with the analysis of historical materials. The "Collaborative Research on Regional History" promotes discussion on the inheritance of materials and research on local historical materials in cooperation with local people, using the data obtained from the research based on DH.

In this presentation, we will mainly explain the information infrastructure system "khirin (Knowledgebase of HIstorical Resources in INstitutes)," which forms the core of our project, and discuss the possibility of data collaboration in a broader range.

Khirin is a data infrastructure for historical materials created by Rekihaku. There are currently four systems: khirin c, which hold location and cataloging information of historical materials in RDF; khirin a, an image provision system using the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF); khirin t, a text display system based on the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI); and khirin labs, which provides an experimental system. In addition, khirin r, which allows users to download datasets, is going to be created. These systems allow us to view local historical materials in Japan from various angles. The goal is to make the data available to a wide range of people around the world, as well as to use it for research on information about historical documents and cultural artifacts from various regions of Japan.

khrin c https://khirin-c.rekihaku.ac.jp/
khirin a https://khirin-a.rekihaku.ac.jp/
khrin t https://khirin-t.rekihaku.ac.jp/engishiki/
khirin labs https://khirin-labs.rekihaku.ac.jp/